For my English speaking guests.
Treat yourself to a combined sensual and relaxing massage by a woman, which will completely relieve you from stress and relax you completely!This massage will leave an enhanced feeling of mental and physical well being. We use parts of classic massage as well as Tantric and body to body massages. You can visit us and enjoy the relaxing ambience of a private and independant studio and take the benefits of specially selected quality essential oils. Of course, for reasons of discretion, we prefer absolute neutral /odourless oils The studio environment is very quietly, stress-free and relaxing, accompanied by candlelight and atmospheric music. The whole environment and your sense of well-being can be aligned to your requirements and it is guaranteed, leaving us, you`ll feeling fully satisfied. A sensual washing before and/or after the massage doesn't belong to the massage time. It's a very special additional service from us to you.
You can send us an E-Mail for getting more information or call us, in order to make an appointment or to get more informations.
We`ll promise and guarantee a massage you'll never forget!
For an immediate response please call: 0049 (0)162/5872616 or 0221/29894087
Our nice massage-studio is in the very heart of Cologne, near the Rudolfplatz.
Also with public transportation our studio is in easy reach!
Coming by car there are 2 large public parking's just around the corner.
We are looking forward to you!
Seeing you soon!
Jessy and the whole team!